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Modulift Down Under: Spreader Beams Power Historic Lift of WWII Dry Dock Gate in Australia

03.12.2024 - 13:14 | 2138762

308-tonne Gate Lifted from Brisbane River using Modulift below-the-hook

Poole, Dorset, UK >> Modulift spreader beams have played a pivotal role in an extraordinary lift in the Brisbane River, Australia, where East Coast Cranes and Tutt Bryant Heavy Lift and Shift successfully removed a historic World War II-era dry dock gate weighing 308 tonnes.
Using a MOD® 400 and two MOD® 250 spreader beams in a 1-over-2 rig configuration, East Coast Cranes and Tutt Bryant Heavy Lift and Shift achieved a lift never attempted since the gate s installation in the 1940s.
A Lift of Historic Proportions
The dry dock gate, measuring 37 metres in width and 14 metres in height (with 10 metres submerged), has a rich history. Forgacs Dry Dock, the second largest in Australia, was a key hub for wartime ship repair, accommodating Panamax-class vessels and serving Pacific submarines during WWII. Post-war, it was utilised for shipbuilding and infrastructure projects.
Remarkably, the gate had no original lifting points or precise weight specifications, making the lift an engineering feat. Adding to the challenge, the gate held approximately 180 tonnes of water as ballast and was located beneath Brisbane Airport?s flight path.

MOD spreader beams lifting the dry dock gate out of the Brisbane river
Precision Engineering with Modulift?s Spreader Beams
In such high-stakes projects, Modulift?s versatile spreader beams demonstrate their engineering excellence. The MOD® 400 was deployed at a 16-metre span, while the two MOD® 250 beams operated at 4-metre spans each. Together, they distributed the load evenly, ensuring optimal stability and safety throughout the lift.

Historic dry dock gate after being lifted out of the Brisbane river
Sarah Spivey, Managing Director at Modulift, commented, ?Seeing our spreader beams used in projects of this scale and historical importance highlights the global trust in our engineering solutions. Customers across the globe can access the MOD system quickly for critical heavy lifts like this.?

A Legacy Preserved
This operation not only underscores the adaptability of Modulift?s lifting solutions but also celebrates the legacy of the Forgacs Dry Dock. As a centerpiece of Australia?s maritime history, the successful removal of the gate sets the stage for potential restoration or repurposing.
For further information, please visit

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Firma: Modulift

Ansprechpartner: Tessa
Stadt: Poole, Dorset
Telefon: 01202 621511


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Modulift Down Under: Spreader Beams Power Historic Lift of WWII Dry Dock Gate in Australia

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